Monday, January 6, 2014

GAPS Intro, Stage 2 - Day 6

I'll try to catch you up on our progress over the past week or so:

Day 1 (Stage 1) was the meat broth cleanse, and my first post was all about our first day.

Day 2 (Stage 1) we had more chicken meat broth, chicken, carrots, green onions, broccoli, and beef.  All of this was boiled in soup.  I felt just okay, not great.  Lots of pressure/pain in my ears, joint pain, muscle aches, abdominal pain, which is all par for the course.  I was also more irritable and I talked less than I normally do.  My DH on the other hand, was feeling good (that coffee enema really helped him feel better!) and he was cheerful and more talkative than normal.  We worked a half day or so on Day 2.

Day 3 (Stage 1) we had planned a full day at work.  We both woke up pretty miserable.  Instead of a full day of work, we had a rest day … stayed in our PJs all day, watched movies, and cooked a lot.  It was what both of us needed.  We both did coffee enemas.  I did two of them, five hours apart.  I probably would have benefited from one more but I was too tired.  We added cauliflower, squash, beets, and chamomile tea (just me) on Day 3.  

Day 4 (Stage 1) we both felt better, and we decided to go into work to make up for our lost day.  We added spinach, ground beef, and beef meat broth.  We did pretty well until the afternoon, when we ran out of food but we still had more to do at work.  So we ended up going too long without eating.  We both got crabby and felt pretty bad.  I started to crash at about 5pm and I struggled to stay awake.  When we finally got home, I cooked, ate, and went to bed.  I also tested egg yolk sensitivity on our wrists overnight.  I'm skeptical on this method, but I'm willing to try it.  What does it hurt?

Day 5 (Stage 2, first day) I woke up to a restless night of anxiety dreams.  I think that had to do with general die-off reaction than it did the egg yolk.  At least I hope so.  Both DH and I woke up with no irritation on our wrists, so we added egg yolk to our morning breakfast soup.  We both seemed to do just fine with it.  Neither of us experienced any new symptoms, at least not yet.  I was itchier than normal, but I am almost always itchy and the temps dropped to WAY cold here (coldest it's been in 20 years), so I guess I'm not overly alarmed by this.  My appetite increased A LOT yesterday morning and I ate about three meals in the course of about two hours.  I had been eating a pretty normal amount for me this whole time - so this increase in appetite was notable.  We added egg yolk, green beans, and mint tea.

Today is Day 6 (Stage 2, second day) and I plan to have two egg yolks today, and I'll probably add another vegetable or two.  We'll also try the new "Stage 2" way of cooking (casseroles).  

Also, I have been taking 2 tsp of sauerkraut juice every day since Day 2.  DH has been doing one (if he remembers) because he felt like die-off on Day 3 was just a bit too strong.

We've both been doing coffee enemas every day.  I've done a detox bath every day except yesterday.

My weight today is 184.6, which means I have lost 8.4 lbs in five days.  I do like losing weight, but I want to make sure I'm not losing too fast.  This early in the program, I'm not too worried.  But I'll keep an eye on it.  

As for our general mood, we're both doing pretty well.  I would say we go through more mood swings than normal.  Sometimes we're really irritable and lash out more than I think we normally would… And other times we're cheerful and talkative and singing.  Unfortunately, we're not always experiencing these things together, at the same time!  (Wouldn't that be nice?)  I do hope that as we progress, we'll tend more towards the cheerful side.  :)  Even despite our mood swings, we are both feeling pretty content at this stage of the protocol.  Although I'd love to have more food choices, I don't feel any great need to move on.  I actually feel like my body is telling me to take it slow.

As a matter of record, I also wanted to mention:
  • We've decided to avoid dairy for at least four weeks.  At that time, we'll introduce it via the GAPS dairy protocol (start with ghee, then whey, etc.).
  • I'm also avoiding nightshades for both of us.  I haven't told DH about this yet because there's no "GAPS" reason to avoid nightshades, but they give so many people a problem that I wanted to do a little experiment.  I'm definitely avoiding nightshades for myself (autoimmune, joint pain) but I'm curious to see if it will help DH too.  He'll have nightshades on January 19th, due to a work function, so he'll get a pretty big "challenge" at that point.  I'm not sure yet if I'm going to tell him about this or not.  Now that I'm writing it out, I think I'd better give him a heads-up before he gets there.  I'm trying to avoid them for at least 6 weeks, if not more.
  • And finally, I'm also avoiding my MRT/LEAP testing result foods, just for the time being.  I'm not sure when I'm going to add them back in.  

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

GAPS Intro, Stage 1 - Day 1

I'm back.  :)

The last couple of months have been busy with holiday celebrations and work obligations and mentally preparing for the GAPS journey.

In August, my husband and I decided to start the GAPS protocol together, after the holidays.  We decided to start on January 1st.  Most of our holiday celebrations are complete, and starting at the top of a month/year makes it really easy to remember when you started and how many days you've been on each stage, etc.

So today's the first, and I wanted to get some things written down for my own personal journal of this experience.  If it helps anyone else out there… bonus!

I started the MRT/LEAP diet on June 29th, 2013.  Here's what I listed as my symptoms:  "Main symptoms:  Joint pain (specifically ring finger on my left hand, pointer fingers, ankles, knees), stiff ankles, mid-afternoon fatigue (took a brief nap), slight headache.  I also experienced mid-severe intestinal/abdominal pain after dinner (beef roast with olive oil and salt, sweet potato)."

Whoa.  Add to that ear pressure/pain, dry and itchy skin, and muscle aches, and it's almost identical to how I feel today.

Last night I made some plain chicken meat broth, using a chicken back and sea salt.  We went to a friend's house last night to celebrate the New Year, so I took it along in case we needed something to tide us over in the morning before we left their house.  We left pretty early, so we didn't have any until we got home.

We both had a cup of broth when we got home.  Oh my gosh was it good!  We've had chicken meat broth before, but for some reason this batch turned out perfectly!  I know it sounds weird, but it tasted like a "clean" version of Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup broth.  We both LOVED it.  

After our broth, DH took a nap and I rested.  We didn't get much sleep last night, since we were having a lot of fun.  :)  While DH was napping, I had a couple more cups of broth.  It was SO good.  I was reading up on GAPS stuff when I started to get extra symptoms that I hadn't woken up with:  headache, ear aches, dull nerve pain in my left arm, stomach/ab pains.  And extreme sleepiness!  

I fell asleep in my recliner with my computer on my lap.  A bit later, my dog woke me up to go outside.  So I woke up and I started reading again, and fell asleep AGAIN!  Falling asleep mid-day is pretty unusual for me, and usually I can't be awoken for HOURS if I do end up sleeping.  Once I'm woken up (for example, from a dog wanting something), I usually won't go back to sleep.  So doing this twice in one day is quite odd for me, even with my reduced sleep schedule from last night (six hours or so).

Once DH woke up, I offered to make some Intro soup, but we were both content with just the broth.  It felt good to both of us.  So we just decided to finish out the day with broth only.  We didn't plan to start this GAPS journey with a broth cleanse, but it feels right to do it today.

Since I had developed a headache and other symptoms, and also just because I wanted to get off to a good start, I did a coffee enema.  I did two 2-cup "sessions".  I felt like it went pretty well, except that I couldn't hold it very long.  About six minutes the first time, and about nine minutes the second time.  Despite that, my headache went away.  My ear pressure/pain is down to just ear pressure (no pain), and I haven't noticed my nerve pain over the past couple of hours.  

In the past hour or two, I've noticed a marked increase in itching around my neckline.  I associate this with a candida rash I had awhile ago.  I don't know if it really is, but that's my intuition.

DH has been very resistant to enemas.  This is kind of weird, because we used to do home colonics all the time.  (I haven't been very good about updating my health story, but it included colonics.  We only got out of the habit because they are so time consuming, and they are very difficult to do in our current house.)

Last night was New Years Eve, and we went to a friends house.  They had champagne for midnight, and DH ended up drinking about 3-4 glasses.  He woke up today with a hangover, which has been pretty par for the course for the past year or two, whenever he has any amount of alcohol.  Bummer.  

He asked this morning what would help with his hangover, and I told him a coffee enema.  He really didn't want to do it, so I dropped it.  Then tonight after my detox bath, I asked if he wanted me to run a bath for him.  He said yes, if I thought it would help him feel better (he is feeling pretty miserable).  I thought about it and hesitated and then said yes, I think it will help.  So I started to run the bath, but then I thought about it and I hate to lecture him, but at the same time I hate when he feels miserable, too!  So I went back out to the living room to tell him that I do think it will help, it's just that an enema would be so much better.  He agreed!  He just came out to tell me it went pretty well.  :)

Tomorrow we'll start introducing food.  I think I'm going to start with the following foods:

  • Chicken
  • Lard
  • Broccoli
  • Carrots
  • Cauliflower
  • Leeks
  • Onions
  • Pumpkin
  • Winter squash
  • Chamomile tea
  • Sauerkraut juice
Of course everything will be boiled until it's very well cooked.  

Now that I see that list, I meant to add in 1 tsp of sauerkraut juice to our last cup of broth for tonight.

We didn't have any supplements today.

Foods ingested today:
  • Chicken meat broth
  • Sea salt
  • Sauerkraut juice, 1 tsp
Additional protocols:
  • Coffee enema (for me and DH)
  • Detox bath (for me and DH)