Sunday, June 30, 2013

Day 2, Phase 1

I'm short on time today so I'm just going to be really brief.

Food prep is going well, I'm trying to get creative so I don't get bored.

Today I made a really good soup called Sweet Potato, Carrot, Apple and Lentil Soup.  I found it on and modified it to eliminate the foods I'm not yet eating.  I didn't really make any substitutions, just left out the things I couldn't have, mostly spices and flavorings.  Surprisingly, it was still really good!  Even my husband liked it.  This is definitely a keeper!

I also made some granola, using gluten-free rolled oats, sunflower seeds, honey, sunflower oil, cacao nibs, and salt.  I tried some before I put it in the dehydrator and I think it's going to be really good.  Tomorrow I'll be able to take it out of the dehydrator and try it for breakfast.  I'll let you know how it turns out.

I also started drinking Pau D'Arco tea today to get started on the candida cleanse.  I found that I actually like it pretty well when it's cold and mixed with some lemon juice/wedges.  Tastes almost like an Arnie Palmer!  This might be a really good option for me once I can have chai spices again.  Have I mentioned that I LOVE chai tea lattes?  Tea was in my yellow zone, so I'll need to avoid it for 3-6 months.  But the chai spices (like cinnamon, ginger, black pepper, etc) are in my green zone, so I'll be adding those back in the weeks to come.  Mixed with the Pau D'Arco tea, it might actually taste somewhat similar.  Then I'd just need to find a sub for milk/cream.  I'm not sure what my options are there... maybe homemade cashew milk? 

My symptoms were pretty much the same as yesterday - joint pain, stiff ankles, fatigue (mid-afternoon nap again), abd/int pain.  I didn't have a headache (yesterday was pretty rare - I don't usually have headaches).  

Okay, time for bed.  I'm really exhausted!  Fatigue is a symptom I'm hoping to overcome with the LEAP diet.  I don't expect any changes for at least 4-5 days, maybe more.  Let's hope for sooner rather than later!

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