Friday, June 28, 2013

'twas the night before LEAP...

On Wednesday, I got my MRT test results.  We had to rush right to work so I didn’t have time to really digest what they said.  In fact, work has been extremely busy and I haven’t had a lot of time for much else.  Which is concerning as I embark on the LEAP diet, considering that my food prep will take more time and I’ll just need to be more conscientious in general about what I’m ingesting.  Also, I just feel like I need time to research and look up creative recipes.  Ugh.  Ah, I'm just kidding – I’m up for the challenge!  I'm actually really passionate about healthy food and the effects it has... BUT, I'm also really pressed for time.  So this will be an interesting experiment!
The real purpose of this blog is to document my experience with MRT/LEAP.  When I was researching the testing, it felt like I could only find a forum post or two, or sponsored websites that sold the testing.  It was really difficult to find a full account – starting from the beginning… what prompted the test?  what do I hope will happen (what results am I hoping to see)?  how long did it take a real person to see results?  what sort of setbacks should I expect?  And eventually, I hope to answer the question… did it work?  
I saw lots of testimonials and did my research, but I would have liked to see a first-person account.  The ups and downs and everything in between.  I hope this blog can maybe help someone in the future, when they are considering the testing.  Or just experiencing nagging health problems and don’t know what else to do.
For the past -oh- maybe 16 years, I have been aware that the foods I eat make a real difference in how I feel.  Before that I hadn't given it much thought.  I’ll be covering my food journey in pretty great detail in this blog, since that’s what it’s all about.  Foods and their effects on our health.  
My family always tried to eat healthy, and I discovered the origins of our food source a long time ago – big family garden, fishing, hunting, etc.  My mom always did her very best to feed us healthy foods.  But over time, our perception of what is healthy and what isn’t has changed drastically.  I’ll cover this topic more in future posts.  Here is one of my first experiences with catching my own food!
I'm the little girl on the right!  :)  
My mom canned much of our food, baked our breads, made dinner from scratch just about every night (going out was a VERY special event!), sent our lunches to school (man, were we envious of the kids who got to eat school lunches!), and did everything in her power to keep us kids healthy!  So how did I end up here?  It’s a long story.  And one I’ll cover over time in this blog.
Also in future posts, I’ll cover questions like:
  • What exactly is MRT testing and the LEAP diet?
  • What are the symptoms that prompted me to get the testing done?
  • What am I hoping to achieve with the LEAP diet?
I’ll also document my stats: symptoms, weight, size, etc.  Yikes!  Okay, I’m a little nervous about that part.  :)
Tomorrow’s my first day following Phase 1 of the LEAP protocol, and I’ll write a little bit about my own personal health history too.  But now it’s time for a good nights sleep!  If you guys have any questions about anything, please feel free to pop in and ask a question in the comments.  I’m happy you’re here!

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