Saturday, August 3, 2013

Day 35 of LEAP, Day 3 of GAPS

Thumbs up so far for GAPS.  My digestion is definitely improved.  I do seem to notice a bit of issue with cauliflower, so I'm going to leave it out for the next day to see if anything changes.  I haven't noticed any changes with joint pain though.  It's only been a few days, and I read a blog posting from someone else who said that their joint pain went away in two weeks on GAPS.  So I guess I'll keep trying.  :)

A couple of things of note:

  • I forgot to mention that about 27 days into the LEAP diet, I still hadn't lost much weight... Maybe three pounds.  Although my weight fluctuates enough that I would still call that negligible.  On Day 28 and 29, I had some very.... shall we say... unpleasant..... uh, movements.  Although going to the bathroom is an unpleasant topic, I still am a firm believer that it should actually be talked about more.  I mean, the digestion system has so much influence on our overall well being.  And... well, everyone poops!  Plus, when you're looking for answers on the internet, sometimes you really just need to hear the truth.  So here goes... I'll try to be brief and to the point.  But close your eyes if you don't want to read this.  For two days in a row, I had poops that were very close to diarrhea but with hard chunks in it.  There were also "stages" during the same "session" of very soft stool too.  It was very unpleasant and I actually felt kind of sick.  I probably spend about 10-15 minutes on the toilet, which is quite unusual for me.  Although I've had abdominal pain and stomach discomfort for a long time, I haven't really had "bad" bowel movements.  This was new for me.  Well, anyway, each day once those were done, I felt normal and went about my day.  A couple days later, I had lost SEVEN more pounds, bringing my total weight loss to about 10 pounds.  I finally went down a half a pant size (I say half because women's clothes are so strange - I'm wearing pants I didn't fit into a week ago, but they still say size 16.  I'm also wearing some of the "larger" 14's that I have.)  I'm convinced those bathroom experiences had something to do with me dropping weight in such a short amount of time, after having held on to the weight for close to a month.  I was eating such a clean diet, and I still was not losing weight.  Something happened - a detox of sorts, I guess - and I suddenly lost a bunch.  It's still too early to tell, but it appears to be continuing.  I'm down 11-12 pounds now, depending on the day (since I still fluctuate).
  • Day 1 of GAPS was pretty darn easy for me, since it was so close to how I was already eating.  The main thing is that my digestion liked it better.  By the end of Day 1, I was pretty tired and just wanted to get to bed.  On Day 2, I woke up feeling worse, still fatigued and achy (my joint felt worse), and I think I was having a bit of a "die off" reaction.  Later that day, my husband and I were working in the kitchen and all of a sudden I was like - I have to go to the bathroom right now.  It was very loose and chunky again, but I had a surge of energy after that, which lasted until 1 AM, when I forced myself to go to bed.
  • Today is Day 3 and I'm feeling pretty good, despite lack of sleep from some commotion outside our house last night.  I'll try to keep you posted.

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